Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Graham collected me for my first meeting with the Llandaff Rotary Club last evening and we went to the Radyr Golf Club, about a 15 minute drive from my house. Lovely time and everyone was quite friendly -- sadly the charity walk originally scheduled for this Sunday has been postponed until Oct 16. The speaker for the evening was a His Majesty's former Deputy Lefttenant (not exactly sure of the title) -- men in tights, you know. Although he did not wear any for the speech last night. Is a branching off from the historical duties of the Sheriff (Shire Reeve -- thank you British History class for allowing me to be a less ignorant American! Even though the cheese course is new to me.).

Put desposit down on new bike yesterday.....still considering if should really get this bike or not, but leaning towards having mode of transportation that will take me further afield than my little feet can toddle me. This bike was only 9 GPB more than a used bike whose tires appeared about to disintegrate at any moment, so...... hoorah!

Maurizio is quite frustrated with my finding of good deals on things and so he went shopping with Jimmi and me yesterday. My major purchase was some yarn. big shock. However, in my defense, have shown remarkable level of self-control by waiting entire week before buying first yarn. Also, have my first knitting student -- Jimmi is going to learn to knit today :)

Crafting things in Cardiff -- after painting blue (with silver accents) lampshade last week, painted my standing mirror same yesterday. Now am out of things to paint. Housemates say I should open a shop.

Must go now and collect bike and beg someone to assemble it for me.


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