Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Fair Isle

Reading material for investment opportunities in Fair Isle.

I plan to go there. Have not decided if I will stay or not. You may all come and visit me, though, if I do. It is to the north of the Orkney Islands (at the tip top of Scotland). They have a Knitting Cooperative :) To further assist all of you, a link is provided to the R.

Tonight was Quiz Night hosted by Cardiff Rotary -- there were about 100 people there. Hiroko and I were on the same team and our table's team was named the "Bayou Babes" even though there were men in the group, too. Lots of questions about the US. Very proud b/c I had right answers about 1) the last Western European country to give the vote to women (Switzerland, this was a guess based on their stereotype of being extremely conservative, and it was right!) and 2) that the letters "ZA" on a car license would refer to South Africa. Both of these I was not agreed with and so we got them wrong :( Boo. Also knew that Julie Andrews played Eliza Doolittle on stage. I did not, however, know that a "pillar box" is a post box on the street corner (part of this was due to the fact that it sounded like they were saying "pillow box" and what is THAT?).

The most important thing I learned tonight:
Sir Isaac Newton invented the cat flap.

Unfortunately, I did not know what the state at the top border of the Mason-Dixon Line was. Explained that We only care about the States to the South of the northern Maryland border -- who cares about the other side? hee hee.

Then, I had to explain what a crawfish boil is. And what winter is like in Shreveport (kind of similar to here). And then I tried (and failed) to explain Bunco. There was a lot of explaining tonight.

Have now been here two months -- oh my!


At Sunday, November 13, 2005 5:05:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What in the world is a cat flap and why did Sir Newton invent one?

Quiz night sounds fun!!! :)

At Sunday, November 13, 2005 9:46:00 AM, Blogger Bonnie Blue in Wales said...

Cat door. They have funny names for things over here :)

A man was getting a little hoity-toity with me and said something about US post bins looking like rubbish bins, and I told him that we don't have rubbish in the US.

Then my favorite is that whipped cream is not called that. Will leave it up to you to discover that one -- hee hee. Always makes me laugh!


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