Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

One day left... sort of.

Crisis has been averted. Milk supply has been replenished. I heart milk!

Today was the last Discourse lecture -- it is a pretty coolio topic, but since the professor read most of the lectures from the notes that he handed us, and this in an extremely soothing voice, have been trying not to fall asleep every Thursday afternoon of the semester. In this, i was successful. And thank goodness for not actually having had the madness to TAKE this class for credit -- as everyone enrolled slowly goes mad as they attempt the 100% 3,000 word assessment.

Tomorrow is last lecture of Lexis and the last official lecture of the semester (except for the makeup lecture for Issues in Language Teaching on Monday. blast.).

Glad to hear of Musawi's sentencing. And the court and the media allowing him a platform from which to spew more hatred. His mother was on the radio this evening whinging about being sentenced to never seeing her son again... and???

Another exciting note of the week is my foray into the exhilarating world of electrical repair! Am quite proud of resourcefulness in dismantling lamp plug and replacing tiny fuse within, which blew when bulb went the other day. Who knew? I just figured, 'What the hecks are those screws on the plug for if not to open up and toodle around, esp. if replacement bulb does nothing?' And just for common knowledge, you can get fuses at the local corner store if you run out of time to make it to the electric store before 5. hoorah!

(Why is there an ad for PET INSURANCE on t.v.?)

mmm... now there is an ad for Cadbury (keep the country happy)...


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