Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Backwards, not quite Sideways

It's a really handy thing that personal skills extend to reading upside down and backwards since am now having to write backwards to fill in gaps. Do they want that information on a CV, do you think?

Promises broken... did not write about last week's London visit in timely manner. Am only at this very minute uploading pictures from last three weeks onto computer. B-a-d Amrie.

Monday night last, had clever idea that due to visit to Foreign and Commonwealth Office scheduled for Wednesday, should invade Helene's world above the Dean Swift. After brief and high-pitched conversation, such action (no thinking, just ACTION!) was encouraged and so departed on lovely and comfy Mega-cattle trailer on 3.15.

Once in London, stopped by Delfina to leave H's number for Dutch artist, who we met earlier (will enter storyline later in backwards writing; reason being my feeling of being responsible for this earlier oversight. We shall see if it does any good.), and began foray into high caffeine level in preparation for England v. Sweden game later. Met Helene (at another coffee shop) after work. Began forage for food in Southwark docks and ended at Pont de la Tour (our seats were outside at the second table from left in picture on site linked). Yum! Although the wait staff was a little over-attentive for us :) Proceeded to another establishment where (as usual) random people befriended us and introduced us to a Welsh spirit, Toffoc; these people worked for The Sun. More anticipation to see if we get the party pics that were taken of us... must hold breath. Okay, enough.

Got up Wednesday morning after watching Bridget Jones's Diary in the middle of the night; began re-caffeination process. Continued with highly stressful search for rogue denim jacket that H needed for trip to Aarhus. Left to meet Cardiff Rotary contingent at King's Cross with issue still unresolved, although (whew), it did turn out to be in frighteningly obvious place in bottom of shopping bag much later, preventing disaster of having to go out and buy a new one :) YAY!

Met Rotary contingent. Decided that although shoes were slightly seeming to incite nerve damage in foot, cuteness factor overrode pain. Continued coffee imbibement at cafe on way to Westminster West Rotary Club meeting at The Rubens at the Palace, directly across street from Buckingham Palace (i think the side entrance). Between Cardiff invasionary force and Americans in attendance, the actual members were quite outnumbered :)

Walked through St. James's Park on way to governmental office sector and was so pleased was such a lovely day.

must go to Rotary-do now at Archdeacon Lewis's house!!!!!


Rotary-do tonight was in honor of the President of Cardiff Breakfast being named a Paul Harris Fellow and was lovely occasion.

okay -- 23.29 and am home fighting with picture uploading into blog. just because it is out of practice does not give it the right to behave in such vexing manner. i WILL bend it to my will! or give up and go to bed...

okay. giving up and going to bed. May try again tomorrow when in better frame of attack mode since the story of the visit is not really very much fun without visual aids.

(still writing and trying to add pictures, just don't want to lose this... will be removed upon completion)

Notes for today not requiring VA (visual aids):
Dawny will be moving to Huddersfield for PhD studentship in a couple of months -- OMG, hooray!
Apparently (found this out in chit-chat this evening) missed HUGE, MASSIVE storm on Sunday. How this happened, even if it were a localized storm, I do not know, as was out and about most of daylight hours and one would think that one would see a large storm on the top of Caerphilly Mountain whilst eating at what may possibly be the world's oldest snack shack (or some claim of historical note) -- what IS most certainly of note, though, is its burger quality.
Katharine has taken John to America and will be peanut butter mule for me! Oh, Peter Pan, I miss you so (although, not this Peter Pan).
On a sad note, Matilda the Gerber Daisy is now an ex-Gerbera daisy.


At Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:30:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, that Peter Pan site is just plain SCARY! Thought maybe not as scary as people who dress their dogs up as bees...

At Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:01:00 PM, Blogger Bonnie Blue in Wales said...

Okay... there are only three people with whom i discussed dressing dogs up as bees lately, so which one of you is "Love Monkey", seeing as I cannot envision any of you referring to self thus :)

Unless... it is Katharine just trying to cause consternation. Which you have done :)

And dressing dogs up as bees is nothing compared to as a spider, Harry Potter or Yoda! Look for them if you haven't seen them.

At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

no offense, sweetie, but I most certainly would not have referred to myself as "love monkey".

(Also, would not refer to self as "peanut butter mule".)


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