Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Friday, September 23, 2005

dental floss and the daily paper

Dental floss is called dental tape here and although not overtly available and rather dear, pricewise, one can locate some if one looks hard enough. But dental tape is a lovely cost when compared to accoutrements for bike -- things cost the same in pounds as in dollars, but this is deceptive......and slightly terrifying!

And my new puzzle that I have conquered is the Codewords crossword puzzle -- this involves a crossword puzzle with absolutely NO word clues. All the letters are coded with a number 1-26, they give you three of the letter/number codes and you have to figure out the rest. It took me three pints of Brains (the local brew) bitter, but I finally got it all! Whew -- that is some work.

Since Jimmi is knitting like the wind (aren't you all proud?), today we went out to buy her knitting needles of her own and some yarn.


Am now quite alarmed since just received email that Centenary is closing until Tuesday! What, what!?! Definitely hope that persons of import will call/IM/email/skype me with updated with current (and safe) positions in Attack of Hurricane Rita. BBC news reports that New Orleans is filling up with water once again. Rita expected to "lash" Texas for 16 hours! In this time zone, potential terrorist captured at Manchester airport by use of Tazer gun. Generally in nervous mood right now.


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