Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Monday, October 31, 2005

ACHTUNG: Breeding Spoons!

We all know about hangers and the occasional additional sock that comes from nowhere and belongs to noone you know. (Although, really, I think the socks are actually sent back as a sort of agressive alien communication from the hostage location where ones that disappear in the dryer are being held.)


Spoons are getting to be a real problem in my room. Am not exactly convinced that I have personally brought them all in here; don't remember bringing quite so many in throughout the evening... presently, there are five smug tiny tea spoons littering up random empty spots on my bedside table, my dresser and my desk. There is even one sitting quite primly on top of my wrinkled, turned back blanket. Well, all right, I do remember taking THAT one out of a cup earlier when talking to Fabiana about the heathens who stole her bike. But the others!?!?

Do they make spoon traps?

But they are so cute...

Grammar, functionality and phonology are messing with my brain, I think.

My Irish friend, Sister Antoninus sent me the sweetest letter today with a St. Martin de Porres prayer card! I was so touched by her thoughtfulness. She returned to County Clare, Ireland this summer after being in the US for something like 60 years. She left Ireland at the age of 16, I think, when she became a novice. I was supposed to go to visit her right after my arrival here, but things didn't work out then. If a certain Clarence "Prancy McFrancerton" does not show her lovely face here soon, I really am going to County Clare without her... :)


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