Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Friday, October 21, 2005

First cousin, once removed

Ella Ruth arrived at 9.30 p.m. EDT yesterday! Auntie Karen notified me of the title of my new status, so I know everyone is glad to have that clear.

Oma is now an Uber-Oma (that is my horrid attempt at intensifying the simple term of "Oma"). I shall look it up online and get back to you all.

Today, October 21st is Trafalgar Day. Have just watched (on t.v.) the Queen perform the Lighting of the First Beacon in Portsmouth, followed by the specifically sequential lighting of beacons all over Britain. Scotland, N. Ireland, Wales, Greenwich. Then the Royal Marine Naval Band performed Beat Retreat -- it was all quite impressive. Especially with the 52 gun salute of the cannons from the HMS Victory right there!

This morning, I had early coffee with my friend, Georgia, who is in my course and lives just right around the corner from me! A neighbor! She is from Greece but has lived in Cardiff for 6 years and has the absolutely most delectable accent -- i Heart her accent and want it for my own... But then i would sound like a prat. So sad.

Oh, and Hiroko is our Great Heroine of the Week -- she conquered the internet company and we are in the classification of petty thieves! Such a nice feeling.

Okay -- so my guess was totally wrong. "Great grandmother" in Dutch is "overgrootmoeder". hmmm. That word is larger than Oma, and not nearly as speedy :)


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