Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Pajamas!!!!! Or pyjamas?

Ooh, ooh, ooh - I just LOVE mail!!!! And pajamas. And pyjamas.

Even if you do have to collect the mail from the post office 7 minutes away and then cunningly rig up the box to the back of your bike with sheer ingenuity and a bike lock... :) My mama has sent me new pajamas (and vitamins and minerals and atkins bars!) so, yay hooray! It is only 2.30, but I am going to be pajama-ed for the rest of the day now :)

This was the contrasting highlight of the day after NEEBI (New and Exciting Experiences with Bureaucracy and Idiots). ha ha. Apparently some wires are not connecting in my head relative to that of shop workers and other people in the "service" industry. So one needs the following to get a mobile phone on a 12-month up-front payment contract:
  1. proof of identity
  2. proof of address
  3. money
But, aye, here's the rub (am now in Pirate Persona. this helps me cope.):
  1. my passport is NOT proof of my identity.
  2. my Louisiana Driver's License is NOT proof of my identity.
  3. my bank statement is NOT proof of my mailing address UNLESS money is listed on it. And here we get into another amusing issue of the length of time it takes for funds from a check from the US to appear in an account here. One MIGHT think that the money was being transported by the original Mayflower :) After being de-shipped, it is perhaps being brought to the bank personally by a three-year old on a really slow and lame mule, through the lovely Pembrokeshire countryside!
  4. our bills are included in our rent, so there are no utility bills to serve as proof of address.
  5. it doesn't matter if I have the money coming from elsewhere.
However, the shop person HAS now agreed that, as I do not look too shifty, WHEN my bank statement comes in showing some cashola (it has now been 30 days), a credit card will be allowed as proof of identity and I can get my new bloody phone! I am also being encouraged to list my current address as 3 years (or I can't have the phone in my name! Could we PLEASE have another hoop? Can anyone think of one? Just kidding.)...

Aaaarrgh! (again, in Pirate voice; not whiny voice.)

Signing out,
amrie, non-identity, unfunded, non-person pirate.


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