Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Friday, January 20, 2006


now that have lain in bed for an entire hour, trying futilely to sleep, it seems brilliant to do something productive -- be unproductive.

firstly, should introduce y'all to new friend.

yes, this is my chive plant. (pay no attention to that man behind the curtain -- or the pile of books.) suggestions for names are welcome. am currently out of creativity. and logic. logic is behind the law enforcement barricade in my head and therefore cannot seem to get to it.

have also just managed to somehow call Georgia by sitting on phone while taking picture (well, the nightstand had to be tidied before being documented... nobody wants to see phones and hair bands and calculators and lip balm in a portrait of a chive plant.). Sound of a very faint voice coming from somewhere it oughtn't be slightly alarmed me. She is probably unamused by this event and will either give me a scold or think i am in some sort of danger :) No danger besides self.

Random items:

Katharine sent me a link to yarn harlot. link is actually to the Knitting Olympics, but the blog itself is pretty interesting, too -- for my Knit Wit friends back in the Ark-la-Tex.

Ark-la-Tex is a funny tri-partite word.

Am almost out of American peanut butter.

Missed by one minute seeing filming of Dr. Who, which was occurring on a red double-decker driving through downtown Cardiff tonight, by dawdling upon leaving Oxfam shop. Therefore, when anyone sees an episode with Dr. Who doing something on a double-decker bus in downtown Cardiff, you will know that I did NOT see it.

For Clare: mention of molting in yesterday's blog means that hair is falling out from extra attempt at being mathematically competent.

Am not sure why there is double space paragraph formatting all of a sudden.

This annoys me. Especially at freakin' 1.40 a.m.


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