Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Dignity. Always dignity.

Do not know why the picture of La Infanta is not allowing one to click and see larger image. Am slightly distressed by this since a) am easily distracted and distressed by insignificant aspects of life and b) had hoped to get loads of compliments on impressive quality of stitch work.

ALERT: Email has been received from 'The Baby' of the family (aka, Merry-dith), who has apparently been roused from her incommunicative existence by possible Usurption of her Honored Status by La Infanta. Concern has been noted and will be duly considered. In addition, she WILL be added to the web-based communication list IF she agrees to bloody COMMUNICATE :) hee hee. you did leave yourself open for this abuse, though, little missy.

So, today went out (for the first time in a day and a half), and the universe had apparently decided that it was 'Exercise Day'. First, strolled to Georgia's for a little Warm-Up (all of 46-second walk); typed a bit; loaded up 14 books to return to library; walked home; dropped computer off; collected 3 more books to return; walked 15 minutes to library (slowed by weight of books, awkwardness of bag, constant scanning for either of kitty friends along route, and blinding position of sun). Returned 32 lbs. of books -- success! Breathe. (am fully aware that have changed tense here, although not sure what this means textually) Walk to third floor to collect books needed for final paper... and where is my list of titles and catalog numbers?
NOT in bag.
NOT on person.
NOT in coat pocket.
Call Fabiana to see if she can locate mystery list; she is not able to decipher scribbles relevant to my predicament from 972 pieces of paper on bed.

Walk home at brisk pace, annoyed with own incompetence; nearly see cat fight on way home (of the feline, not female, sort); discourage said fight.

Enter room and immediately pin-point illegible paper still attached to note pad...

[Someone speaking loudly outside my window at the moment sounds like Barney Gumble.]

...Make sandwich; eat some cold peas; nearly forget paper; remember; trundle back to library (would have been 10 minute walk, except for lower, but still present sun-in-eyes and brief kitty encounter until he tired of attention and sat himself coolly just out of arm-reach).

Rest of the day is not terribly scintillating...

Things we've learned today:
linking verbs are also known as copular verbs --- hahahahahahaha!
Polari was a sociolect, used primarily by gay men in London between the 1930s and 1970s for encoded communication.
it is best to de-fragment one's computer before it begins to behave as though is suffering from neurological difficulty.
maintaining one's dignity is a bit difficult when the owner of a cat returns home after dark and finds one conversing with said cat.


At Thursday, January 12, 2006 3:51:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it is time to come home amrie, if you are talking to strange cats in strangers yards...

At Thursday, January 12, 2006 5:12:00 PM, Blogger Bonnie Blue in Wales said...

it was not IN someone's yard... it was on the pavement (sidewalk).

have not sunk to level of trespassing.


At Thursday, January 12, 2006 9:16:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you and i both know it is only a matter of time...


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