Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Monday, January 09, 2006

Cuteness Overload

No, not me... (even though that may come as a shock, since everyone knows how obsessed The Cat-Whisperer is with being CUTE. not.)

Note the addition of Cute Overload to menu at R (thanks to Paul for emailing it!).

An addition to the Cute Factor for today would be having a picture of La Infanta Preciosa (la ninita de mi prima, la doctora, en ohio -- see Saturday, November 26, 2005) in my inbox this morning. You may notice that she is in a rawther large sweater. But have particular reason to be excited since i knitted it for her -- see, i do occasionally complete things (it was really a very tiny garment, so La Infanta must be QUITE petite!)

Just returned home after 12 hours (!) gone today being productive. Final word count of 2057 for Phonology (and that was after I stopped 'writing' at 1899 words. am i verbose? do i talk too much? is everyone mad at me?). Current word count for other two papers... approximately... 147 (together). No, not really :)

Have been working at Georgia's house all afternoon since seemed a good to take a break from the Blue&White-Polka-Dot Bed of Brilliant Thought where my pajama-attired self generally likes to sloth amidst piles o' books and random papers and pencils vexingly leading marks onto my pillow cases and causing great consternation and necessitating laundry procrastinatory proactivity. And we actually got lots accomplished. AND Brian (Georgia's boyfriend) made us a lovely dinner of tagliatella (sp?) as a surprise while we were in the computer room upstairs :) We had a delicious bottle of a South African cabernet, which surprised me since am not a fan of the cabs. But this one was quite more than acceptable. mmmmm.


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