Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, January 05, 2006


unpacking one's suitcase and replacing items in their appropriate places is my least favorite part of travel. to remedy this, several options spring readily to mind:
1. should have personal assistant or
2. should become host of brilliant Travel Channel show (with personal assistant paid for by employer) or
3. should procrastinate above task (and academic projects due) with indulgent writing.

whilst is mostly nice to be back home, it lessens one's joy when the washing machine plug appears to have had a small fire break out at base recently (result: washing machine shockingly inoperative). and when realty company is staffed by idiotic, yet amazingly verbally skilled, sloths.

on the bright side, the kitchen sink now accepts the flow of water through drain. and stove works again. and i have chocolate digestive biscuits.

at this point, have been gone most of past 14 days into fantasy world of leisure and sadly must return to "reality" (or my version thereof). these 14 days, though, have been grrrrrreat and will be documented at some crucial procrastinatory point in very near future. (i thought had cunningly made new word here, but alas... Am also slightly alarmed that there is a link on referenced page to Procrastinators of America. I do not plan to visit this site as is probably full of viruses and spyware. The funny thing is that this group actually got around to organizing themselves into something with a title -- does this actually allow them to still qualify as true procrastinators?)


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