Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Friday, June 30, 2006

At sixes and sevens

Just so's certain people will know that am not completely mental, have finally pinpointed location in memory verifying that this phrase does occur in lyric form! Hoorah! And it only took me, oh, five days to remember... Isn't it wonderful how your brain does its little acrobatics at the most unnecessary times, yet will not perform when asked politely in company? 'At sixes and sevens with you' is in Don't Cry for Me, Argentina in Evita. Am also quite proud of self, since was convinced it was Andrew Lloyd Webber all along, despite sideways looks wondering if my Day Pass was up.

Note: still struggling with getting photos to upload into Blogger. Why will this silly poster upload and my photos will NOT?!?! grrrrrr.... grrrr, grrr, grrr. And there is no need (or time) to just write about places recently visited and sights seen as would detract from work that needs doing... or something like that.

Speaking of work, good news from Board of Studies last week: we all passed!!!!!! (whew!) Now can proceed with dissertation ('thesis' in UK is what is done for PhD; opposite terminology from US). Why is the testing instrument I need only available from California? And why would one need the manual to the test in addition to 1) set of 25 test booklets and 2) scoring key? Yes, indeedy, if I want the manual, will have to purchase it separately and at the unreasonable price of $40 USD (the other two parts totalling $60)... quandry, quandry, quandry.

Another note must be made of a brilliant new blog: Pago the Ninja.
Cousine Lindsey seems to have been contracted as celebrity ghost writer for Pago, who (as you may have surmised) is a ninja.


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