Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Amusements at the end of August

One funny thing is thinking that butter left out overnight in another part of the world than the US South (e.g., Loozyanna) will be at any appropriate stage for sugar, vanilla and egg to be mixed into it to create a nice smooth beginning of cookie dough. In this situation, it works to sort of hold the blue plastic mixing bowl approximately 4 inches above a hob burner so that the heat is able to assist you.

Another funny thing is to realize that the wisk has vaporised from your kitchen. Hard butter tends to bend a fork.

To fully experience this comedy, you should plan to make a recipe which includes 3 1/2 cups of flour. For this to completely be fun, you should not have a sifter to hand. It is MUCH more entertaining to use a tea strainer for this purpose and an additional benefit is that it makes the hilarity last three times longer! Witty instructions directing one to sift flour mixture four times (are they mad?!) should be disregarded in this situation.

In Britain, wax paper is known as Greaseproof Paper.

Finally, and completely unrelated to your earlier cookie endeavour, the best way to end one's day is by charring two pieces of toast in absolutely hellish manner due to toaster having managed to lose its ability to pop up when finished with its task. This is best accomplished when the fire alarm goes off 14 times in five minutes after this activity and some unsuspecting person (unsuspecting of one's full toast burning tendencies) is working on your research data. But at least you know your toast is done.

How droll.

The fabulous news of the day is that my data has been manipulated by clever person (who frighteningly claims to be able to mentally see the code that needs to be run to make it do greater and more fantastical things) and the numbers and beautiful graphs actually DO seem to show a relation between spelling awareness and cognitive style!
Oh, hoorah!

And tomorrow is the move. Oh, ick.


At Thursday, August 31, 2006 12:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck moving! If you need anything I'll be tossing my apartment looking for my student id.

At Wednesday, September 20, 2006 1:32:00 PM, Blogger Becca said...

Oh, ha. ha. ha. The Deep South is in such a state as for butter to be ready for cookie dough within two hours!


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