Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, November 02, 2006


This morning, there was frost on the grass. Or at least I think that is what that white sparkly appearance intimated... Skimble was perched on the patio/yard barrier step in a most puffy-kitty-who-needs-warming manner. There was a little trail of darker green tracks through the grass leading to the hunched kitty. Steffi would not let him sit on her computer on her lap to warm up and so it was left to me to emerge in my pajamas and give him a nice long cuddle (until my toes began to feel numb and more tea was required).

Cold makes people in a silly mood :) Or it just inhibits their ability to think and walk normally due to large puffy jackets muffling their awareness of those around them or perhaps the stricture of scarves diminishing aural perception of items in near proximity -- such as cars or cyclists.

Today's seminars were enjoyed by one group and absolutely NOT by the other. So disappointing. Was very proud to get all names correct in first group; second group attempt was not so hot, perhaps 40%. They are a little surlier, though, and so not so memorable. One task was to invent a nonsense word, create a dictionary entry for it (complete with IPA transcription, inflections, part(s) of speech, definition(s), etc.). Then create two nonsense definitions for it and try to get the class/studio audience to guess the correct definition. I kind of agree with the second group that it was senseless since the 'definitions' were nonsense in the first place, but still, kids -- suspend some belief and let yourself have some fun! The first group had so much fun and came up with the words:
  • frun (v. -- which means 'to run in a funny manner')
  • scrynge (n. -- which means 'a small amount of something')
  • shiress (v. -- which means 'to scrimble up a piece of paper and make it crumply')
The second word is a term actually used by one girl's family in the East Midlands, but is not officially a word :) I told her she should document it and go on Balderdash and Piffle to have it added to the OED. But she should get that host to wear a bloody different coat -- that pink pea coat got on my everliving nerve.

Our second task was to think about prototypical words, along the lines of the question of what makes some birds birdier than others (or fruits fruitier, or weapons weapony, or vehicles vehicley, etc.). Readers should try to think of some of your own and be prepared to present them to the group at our next meeting (or on the comment section as the case may be).


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