Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Monday, October 09, 2006


Maurizio and Kath are having a baby in March!!!!!!!
This is the most exciting way to start the week as it provides me more subjects (or subject) for whom to knit :) Oh hoorah! Plus, it is fun to knit for little people as projects go faster :)

Knitty, knitty, knitty, knitty! I shall add some more knitting links to the side in celebratory festivity.

This week, I have also gotten pictures in the mail of Harrisen (such a handsome big one-year-old boy!) and Zareen (approx two months old and such precious big eyes!). Formal request for photo updates from the other little ones back home, pleeeese.

Had coffee with Mauri this afternoon, and they will also be hopefully moving into their new house before the end of the month. There are some pretty ridiculous things about buying a house in the UK and things are scheduled to get worse next year, when the seller will have to provide inspection information to potential buyers. However, each inspection is only valid for 6 months. This seems rather absurd to me, but who am I to say? As a buyer under current rules, Mauri has spent 800 GBP on house inspections for two houses so far, so maybe it is a good thing, but... Real estate prices in the UK are up 170% (perhaps I have mentioned this before). Merciful heavens.

In other news, it has come to my attention that car alarms just really seem to know when I am present as they go off everywhere I go. Could this possibly be related to the fact that my speakers make funny noises when I touch the contact on the lead?

Diana's mom has arrived from Columbia and is staying with us for a bit! She is terribly sweet and has brought us all sorts of fabulous food that she will be cooking for us. There is some sort of (somehow spookily familiar -- maybe from Mexico trip?) sauce similar to caramel, but not quite. It it is called Arequipe, and is also known as dulce de leche. It is made from only milk and sugar. It is divine. It is lovely to lick from a spoon when drinking milk. And we all know how obsessed with dairy I am.

Here is a interesting thing, that is kind of frustrating if you are from Columbia -- it is not possible to fly directly into the UK. One must stop in another European country before being allowed to continue on; and one must also obtain a visa for the country of the flight change in addition to the visa they must have to visit the UK.

Anyhoo, Diana's mom's birthday is tomorrow, so I must return to my frenetic knitting of a scarf for her.


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