My Life of Petty Crime
Thanks to some recently acquired information, it appears that I am not as involved in life on the edge as previously thought. It is not illegal to jaywalk here. Oh, well. We can't be colourful forever.
So, as part of my therapeutic 2-step recovery program (knit, purl), Katharine and myself are venturing (on the friendly Cardiff Bus system!) to knitting tonight! This is exciting for several reasons: 1) it is cold and time to knit some warm items, 2) it will get us out of our respective hermitages, 3) we will be socialising with cool people and 4) I will finally make it to The Chapter Arts Centre.
To catch up on news:
Saturday -- GWCBT was fabulous! E got a free ticket (to Wales v. New Zealand -- I think he has been to every international...), so he dashed off and left me to eat Welsh Bake with B and Co., who took very good care of me during the game. I didn't wander off at all. New Zealand won. (It was kind of like the Wales players were the Canadian players. Kiwis are massive.)
Sunday -- Helped Maurizio and Kath move; their new house is v. cool. Right around the corner from E and B's and also has the original tiles in the entry hall. Think these houses date from mid 1800s -- E sent me an interesting link, which I have not used yet. There is also an archive in Cardiff where you can go check out the original house plans for all these places! But I digress. After helping them, used same truck to empty E's storage, which is an excellent financial decision. Hoorah for simplification.
Until people start throwing boxes down stairs in imitation of someone committing hari kari with heavy boxes down a steep flight of stairs, which has caused me and B to jump up from the living and dining rooms respectively and prepare to run for turniquettes and surgical equipment...
oooh, must run to bus stop!
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