They are not cute like snails. And snails are not really cute unless they are in a fish tank serving a purpose or in a cartoon and happen to use meowing vocalisations.
That stupid slug is still sneaking in and poodling about my floor at night. If anyone has any additional suggestions for having him suffer either a horrible death or be repelled from my room permanently, I would appreciate them. He is not trapped by bowls of beer. He is not impeded by a trail of salt around the area of access... I just don't know what to do!
Slugs get an electric shock from copper if you can put copper pipe around the edge of your room near in spaces that you think it is getting in.
Hmmm. Very interesting. I think I shall try this.
Surely smallish copper wire around the perimeter would do the same as a pipe? Because something that big would only encourage me to trip and then I wouldn't be able to move for all of the spectators waiting for this to occur.
Thank you!
I think the copper would need to have a current applied to it. I will go to the scrappy and get a 12 volt car battery. We then make a ring around the outside of the room out of copper pipes with the battery accross a gap and hey presto, anything that tries to enter is fried (including Albanians, slugs and the neighbours cat!). You could also jump the voltage from 12 to a few thousand volts using a transformer, that way any humans coming in contact would jump about 15 feet in the air but 'should' survive due to the low current after stepping up!
Have just looked and the copper would not need to be 'wired'. But it would be fun anyway! Ffffzzzzt! Ow!
I used the same method with a car battery attached to the door knob for Halloween. Ahhh the tingy of tiny fingers, the whimpers, the thud of the limp bodies and the shovel needed to clear the debris away in the morning.
Should work for slugs then....
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