Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Why, oh why, oh why?

...does technology have to be so terribly difficult? And why must all customer service issues be routed through Bangalore, India? (we found out that this is, indeed, where an awful lot of call-in technical support is located -- from the Rotary GSE team who we met at the District Conference, so I am not being purposefully mean. Well, perhaps just a little, because the annoyance level is VERY high at the moment.) And why must those persons of unknown gender be so terribly pompous and tell you that it is apparently an "issue of something substandard on your machine" --- aaarrgghh! There are an awful lot of things that I can tolerate, and pomposity is NOT one. Where is St. John's Wort when I need it?

Well, children, our lesson is that this is where pride gets you actually. Earlier I had been so very proud of myself for setting up our t.v. Freeview box all by myself and then going to the electronics store to get our wireless router (for some reason, these Paul-Belcher-ish tasks have become my skill here). The Devil was beating his Wife, but I saw an absolutely beeeeeautiful rainbow and was in a marvelous mood even though soaked through.

On the way back home, all of this joy began to flee when my pedal on my Big-girl Bike FELL OFF! How does a bike pedal fall off? Fortunately, I was 2/3 of the way home, so blissfully unaware of looming annoyance of electronic proportions, I cheerfully walked on, stopping by my favorite news store to buy the Telegraph for my daily fix of Sudoku and the Codeword. La, la, la!
But, enough of this. My sanity will be restored after some tea and Sudoku. And maybe a bit of therapeutic vacuuming (here, it is called "hoovering"). So you can see how thoroughly fury affects me :)


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