Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Legwarmers, Liquor and Bossy Boots

knit leg covering; a knit tube that covers the calf of the leg
and sometimes also the top of the foot (usually used in the plural).

1) The legwarmer appears to have returned as a fashion accessory. My initial response this morning was to be alarmed; but then the idea came that other people's legs will look trunkier and this will reflect nicely on mine -- my calves, not my legwarmers :) this is shallow, I know.

2) There is a liquor store INSIDE the Student Union Building. This is merely offered as a point of trivia. Obviously, I have not purchased there since a) prices are most probably double and b) a 15-minute walk home would probably take longer and end up injuring my back and c) related to last item, carrying a large amount of cargo would tempt fate to trip me on the uneven sidewalk, ending in humiliation and, possibly even, wasted product.

3) My new word today is "Bossy Boots." This is a term assigned to persons acting in, you guessed it, a bossy manner.

Also, I have overcome a cultural barrier (that has been stressing me out all week) today with an overly friendly Pakistani man in my course, with the recommendation that we should shake hands instead of invade Anne-Marie's space. Do hope this will not assign me to the Group of "Hated American B----." But anyhoo, that is the most difficult cultural problem I have encountered so far and if that's the worst, I shall consider myself easily assimilated.


At Wednesday, October 12, 2005 6:00:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A liquor store IN the SUB?? That's crazy.


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