Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Sunday, November 06, 2005

my wrist, my wrist!

is suffering from that wierd joint thing again. it is probably because i am holding my hands like a praying mantis to type while sitting on my pillows. or it could have been the slowness of my brain that has prevented me making reasonable progress on my web site, therefore making it necessary to repeatedly click back into the SiteBuilder to change one little thing...

However, at this moment, I am excessively proud of the schedule that is now posted on -- you are encouraged to visit this site and comment favorably on my skill. however, this skill only extends to the first page, so no need to be gratuitous with your admiration.

This site: 2createawebsite is really smashing for bookish persons like myself, who are attempting to look technologically competent.

Persons who know me fairly well may suspect this activity as a behaviour stemming from my mental state. And chocolate. And, oh all right, five cups of tea.

Yes, you might indeed be correct in assigning a diagnosis of Procrastination. I am really trying to be motivated, especially since Fabiana has read 7 newspapers today (eek!); but am kind of depressed because it seems the part of my paper (the thrilling one on Systemic Functional Grammar -- S.F.G. [smirk]) that was most pleasing to me has been kind of negated by my professor since it kind of goes off on a literary tangent instead of focusing on the syntactical elements of individual clauses. It was so entertaining, though, and very well thought-out! So sad.

On a positive note: the paper is not due until Friday, so I am actually acting rather out of character overall. Success! Analysis of my behaviour has actually ended up with impressive justification for it :)

aqui estan dos fotographias de ayer.

Below are Hiroko and me putting out the sign. To (R) are me and Rotarian Steve Rogers taking money.

Well, love and hugs to all (the people I know personally, that is, not random readers of this nonsense)!


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