Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Armenian Beer Urn

This is one of the inspiring anagrams of my name as generated by Wordsmith (thank you, Eamonn).
We will not discuss any sort of subtle significance at this time.


Have just returned from second session in gum-chewing/memory study in Psychology department -- the things we do for money (and free gum), n'est pas?

First, did mood test;
then read a short story about a man named Mr. Kalada;
then had 20 words flashed on screen at me for 2 seconds each;
then had to free recall words;
then did true/false set with items such as 'AB -- B is followed by A';
next were the true/false sets for statements such as 'Madrid is a vegetable' and 'Pliers travel in search of food', as well as 'Alabama is a southern state';
then had delayed recall of words in list;
then identified from flashed sequence of words, which ones were in original group;
then answered questions about story;
and finally, another mood test.

I got to keep the remainder of my pack of gum.

Our kettle is broken ('...but first, I'd like to touch this rusty kettle.'). It is causing a bit of consternation as part of us don't use it and therefore do not want to buy a new one. But I would like to buy one of my very own that can keep for ever and always as I particularly like electric kettles as exotic and posh appliances. My simplistic enamoration amuses people.

On a completely unrelated note, have come to conclusion that seagulls are not cute beach birds which should be painted and memorialised. Yes, I have previously been attacked by them while trying to eat burger on Corpus Christi, Texas beach, but not with menacing atmosphere and possibility of real danger. Cardiff apparently has one of the largest seagull populations for a city... although I have no proof of this, just hearsay. So, anyhoo, we saw a baby seagull the other day and just wanted to look at it -- but were shooed down street by shrieking parental unit bird and I truly felt in danger of being pecked violently. The babies are really pretty ugly in a cute sort of way. And the seagulls here are fat and massive missile-like creatures. Seagulls have been in the news recently as well, not just for attacks, but also (and again, this is hearsay, but amusing hearsay) for the clever gull who loiters outside the eastern doorway of Central Market and sneaks in to steal expensive salmon from the fish mongers just inside the door when noone is looking!

Okay, must work now.

Additionally, today is double birthday --- Helene and Karsten!
Isn't it great to be 25?


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