Exit ASSL left
Yes, the door to exit is indeed on the left.
It is time for me to leave the library in search of hot caffeinated sustenance now that my fingers have turned a deeper shade of blue and are beginning to feel numb. It also appears to be lunchtime.
Feel as if have been productive -- the accomplishment of the day so far (other than all that nonsense from the morning) is that I have figured out a bus route (root) for my journey to PG Insurance tomorrow morning, for a little gainful employment as a temp. office person for generous Graham (my Rotary counsellor). V. proud of the whole bus thing. When I stand in front of a bus stand and attempt to decrypt the charts and timetables, the gerbil just sits right down on his wheel and it is like my eyes see the writing in Klingon (speaking of which, did people know there are as many Klingon speakers in the world as Welsh speakers? I think that is right, Katharine...?). Handily, there is this website for Traveline that allows dim folk to type in their origin and destination and Presto Chango!, a little grid is vomited forth from a magical database somewhere and it tells you where to get your bus, when to alight, when to walk (with a picture of a little man walking) and from what stop to take your next bus (if you have to change busses, that is)! So fabulous.
I will WALK from my house to the bus stop on the corner, past the house with a population of 97. Will take BUS 50 at 8.04 a.m. to Kingsway, where I will alight at Stop 6. Will WALK to Stop 1. Will take BUS 27 at 8.20 a.m. to Heol Iscoed. Will WALK at 8.40 to PG Insurance and arrive at 8.43. Hoorah! It's the little things in life, you know...
Have looked at some employment opps.
Have left some MySpace comments for people.
Have looked at some depressing news items.
Have told a slight tale in an email that I am in possession of a webcam (but I will get one either today or tomorrow!) so as to have a possibility to be hired to tutor Korean ESL learners via the web...
Indeed Klingon is. You should ask John about it sometime.
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