Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Friday, December 01, 2006

I saw Elvis.

He was reading the South Wales Echo.

Attire: grey trousers, lace-up rough shoes, and a blue jacket.
Hair: Black dye.
Location: a bench on Queen Street, just outside the Boots.

This should be investigated further.


At Sunday, December 03, 2006 2:56:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I could have sworn I saw him at my theater a few months ago. Seems like Elvis is still alive and well...and likes to travel! :)

At Monday, December 04, 2006 9:27:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He works in the internal network security team where I work. He disappeared years ago to study computer science at MIT then moved to the uk to write a thesis on network protocols and security encryption. He started working for an insurance company and was one of the leading experts network security and created the template for E-Commerce security that most companies still use to this day in their own websites. He keeps a low profile here as he earns a living of patents he registered under the name of Cecil Hawthorn III, a name he decided on after a small bespectacled spotty kid he spotted in the front row of his last concert in Indianapolis at the Market Square Arena on June 26, 1977.


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