Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happppppppy Thanksgiving!

It's a day for forgiveness..... (sorry, Friends reference. people here LOVE Friends)

So, oh my Lord, i went and made cornbread without normal ingredients. And it went over quite well! Picture of the top shows a lovely golden brown (in much less time than normal. when baking at C degrees, you may want to consult this. i am so bloody proud of myself!). As you can also see, I refrained from burning the bottom! However, after walking twenty minutes in freezing temperatures, cornbread may become fairly cold, so you should attempt to re-heat, but not in active oven -- merely a warm one. Otherwise it dries out.... but people still liked it anyhoo. Sadly, it was gone before I could pull a Bruner Georgian trick and put butter and honey on mine.

We had a lovely Cardiffian Thanksgiving at Katharine's house and the Brits toasted the Indians. Katharine soaked the turkey overnight in salt water in a "bin" -- i.e., a big bucket -- and it was beautiful and delish. She made the best fresh cranberry relish with orange I have ever tasted and sweet potatoes with NO COW SLOBBER! yay! so yummy! We also had Yorkshire pudding, which is a bread-like doughy thing :) am quite jealous of Katharine's kitchen... it is 30s retro metallic and eggshell blue and larger than mine :)

Two Germans re-heating the macque choux.... (me and Stefani, from my course). Everyone liked the Cajun dish :)

And OH MY LORD --- IT SNOOOOOWED!!!!!! Do i sound excited? No. do not be fooled by my faux enthusiasm. i am excellent at masking my true feelings.

So Georgia and i went out and danced in the snow and it was just terribly fabulous for about 30 minutes. then it stopped and we were sad, but there is ice on all the cars on the way home! We probably won't get a "snow day" tomorrow, though. boooo.


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