Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Kittens and beer

There is really nothing quite like kittens to advertise the healthful benefits of beer. and cheap wine. In addition to the kittens, the fact that Blossom Hill is one of the specials makes me smirk.

This advertising hint was obtained because on my way home from downtown, I fortuitously met Katharine (my friend from Iowa), Dawn (who lives in Caerphilly) and Stefanie (from Germany) -- all in my department, but on different courses -- for a pint at the Woodville ("Woody") pub. Otherwise, you all might have missed this cunning marketing ploy.

This evening, there was a small fire and lots of alarms next door to the Oxfam Book Shop with three fire trucks. While we didn't have to evacuate from the shop, next door's people were all in the street and a fire inspectoress kept dashing through the shop. I bought no books today! hooray!

On the way home, (sorry, I just have to be amused by life) I took this picture. He was waiting there for his people who were shopping. Isn't that just marvelous?

Tonight is (now was; easily distracted, you know -- couldn't compose and watch at the same time) the beginning of the new season of Little Britain, a joyous and healthful show (due to the laughter). It is absolutely riotously funny!

Other items possibly of interest:

Maurizio has gone to his Thursday Salsa lesson.

Fabiana rode by herself to the Super Tesco store in the dark and worried me.
She made it back :)

The map of France has fallen off the wall.

I am attaching cunning labels with the phonetic alphabet to my keyboard.

Oooh, and you can try accessing pictures at: If anyone has problems, it is something I have done, and you should let me know. Will now (or maybe tomorrow...) try to figure out how to put an image+link in side menu bar.


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