Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Saturday, November 26, 2005

La Infanta

My lovely cousine, Sara, has graciously provided me with pictures of Ella Ruth in digital format (and has granted permission for my publicity and blatant promotion of said Small Person!).

There are lots of precious Lilliputians back home, of various family and friend origin, that I'm missing this year (and yesterday, learned that another friend is having triplets -- OML, eek!). All I ask is that they are regularly reminded that their Auntie Amrie loves them and are shown pictures of me being kind to small animals so they will not be frightened upon meeting (or re-meeting) me -- (i tend to alarm some children due to my radiating fear of upsetting them).

Other fascinating things I have done today:
cut my hair (thereby saving money and justifying purchase of charity shop china yesterday)
complemented Hiroko on delish sushi from last night's party
argued with Karsten over IM about the existence of supreme being
read about language acquisition of children
eaten fried rice a la Hiroko
drunk espresso a la Maurizio
vacuumed my room
worked on my web page
started on Phonology Assignment 2
watched a random helicopter flying over my house with a banner
decided that i cannot wear my pajamas to buy milk
been informed that Paul is mailing me a skillet!
did a little Snoopy dance :)


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