Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Llandaff Carol Service

Tonight was the first time I have actually gone into Llandaff Cathedral (I know, so bizarre); the Rotary Clubs of Cardiff had their Carol Service and it was really lovely. Norman Lloyd Edwards was there as well (Her Majesty's Lord Lieutenant of South Glamorgan) and was one of the readers (actually in this picture, a tiny dot at the right hand podium by the base of the arch).

Cardiff (and the Vale of Glamorgan) has always been poorer than England's parishes and so the Cathedral is less ornate than a lot of English churches. Though it is still beautiful. It is built in a dip in the ground, so that the Vikings wouldn't be able to see it from the sea; Vikings loved to invade and decimate churches since they held so much gold and silver. In Cromwell's time (the English Civil War), the Cathedral was used as a stable! A German bomb landed in the center of the church in WWII, because the Germans thought it was a warehouse.

Christmas carols are a bit different in some cases -- either the carol is not common in America or the tune is completely different. A few are the same tune; the one that still stood out as different, though, was O Come, Emmanuel. Difference being that it was not sung like a funeral dirge :) At home, we sing it so slooooooooowly and mournfully.

In the center of the church, the arch is the base of the sculpture Christ in Majesty, by Sir Jacob Epstein. It apparently caused quite a sensational stir of controversy on its installation in the 1960s. (Love the "candle" setting on my camera since it lets me take pictures without flash because that would be terribly crass.). This picture was taken from the back of the cathedral just before I helped with the collection -- an official duty :) One of the lessons was read in Welsh -- Luke 2:8-14 -- and it was fascinating to listen since the rhythm and intonation was the same as English.

Also, helped with the serving of the mulled wine and mince pies (mmmmm! this was my supper.) after. Anyone who knows me well, knows I much prefer to be behind the scenes and actually doing something instead of mingling intentionally. You still get to see everyone and talk... so it. is. NOT. anti-social.

Another plus is that I got to walk by myself to the entertainment area through some of the hidden parts of the building and take some pictures without pressure to keep walking! Parts of churches that are hidden are so interesting. In addition, I am nosy. To the left, is an old vestment box, for keeping the ornate robes that priests wear. Sadly, you can't see how really old it looks. But the candle setting is again so effective and atmospheric, is it not? :)

Since two of the Rotarians in my club are affiliated with the Cathedral (one is the former Dean!), Graham seems to think that one of them will let me see some of the places that people don't normally get to see -- like the Clerestory (WAY up high, the row of grey arches above the larger white arches in the picture above -- so called for "Clere story", the place where the light came in in the original architectural funtion) and the Tower (self-explanatory). Oooh, ooh, oooh! You shall all get a complete, yet abbreviated, history lesson after that visit; if you are really eager to learn more now, you may read this.

Here is a cool picture that I took on the way out through the graveyard :) Even Graham was impressed even though this involved dawdling. This was again candle setting and am sorry to have cut off the Tower but was looking at a pitch dark screen on my camera.

The Conservative Party of Britain has a new leader: David Cameron. He is young and modern. Watching the debate and election unfold has been rather interesting.

Also, there may be a property glut next year before a new law comes into effect in the estate business. So prices may go down. Buying and selling property here is very expensive and difficult. But apparently, Scotland is worse.

For some reason, have not received any emails over past day and 1/2, possibly because my area on the server appears to have been full. So if i do not email someone back, do not be offended...please.

Am listening to Shipping Forecast now, so it is way time to go to bed. There appear to be gales in the forecast for the area around Fair Isle... heehee.


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