Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Friday, December 02, 2005


a person in a kimono freeing a BIG spider trapped in a jar into the sidewalk outside the Hobbit Hole door. hee hee.

Imagine you are the poor spider. You have just been calmly relaxing in Fabiana's nice cozy room when you hear a shriek. You are put in glass implement and tossed unceremoniously (except for the kimono part) out into the Welsh rain.

Thanks to Hiroko, a tip: Open site; listen. Dance if there is no one watching. Admit it; you all want to -- deep down you really DO.

Lebanese food for lunch today :) Talked to one professor re: paper -- it was "written like an American" but he complemented my writing ability... so feel better. He also told me that at Birmingham University, it would have gotten much better -- am not really sure if this was to make me feel better, but have decided to take it as such. Monday, talk to other professor... the one that intimidates me because she is so BRILLIANT. Usually, I babble inanely in front of intelligent life forms. Should go well...!

My mama is sending me matching rain hat and gloves (in shade of Bright Clover Green)!

Now, Maurizio, Fabiana and I are off to James' birthday dinner at Indian/Thai restaurant. Pictures later.


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