Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Twiglets are a rawther intriguing British snack food (along with pickled eggs, fried Mars bars and a delectable variety of chip -- errrr, crisp -- flavours). They are listed as 'Hazardously Knobbly' on the bag and anything with such a claim must be tried (esp. if one is visiting the shop with a person who happens to love Twiglets and consume them on a regular basis and if one reveals to said person that one has no freaking clue about snacks named after tree parts).

Note 1: blogger picture upload button now seems to be on strike completely and will not provide deceptive option of even appearing to cooperate with the uploading of pictures. So persons without internet -- you know who you are -- can't even see pictures on printouts now... we must remedy this situation immediately! Esp. since you are unable to see a picture of a bag of Twiglets.

To return to soliloquy of snacks, my overall opinion of Twiglets is positive. They are knobbly. If they are supposed to look like twigs, they are from a pudgy tree. They taste like yeast and I cannot tell a darn thing about their healthiness as have not yet learned how to read kilocalorie amounts on packages and translate into my own dietary understanding. Although, they are baked, not fried and claim to be full of fibre (i.e., 'HIGH in FIBRE' in a little red box on the front with a check mark in front of it!).

Note 2: received another free pack of gum this morning -- oh, hoorah! This morning's testing was less enjoyable as part of it included Tricky McTrickerton maths like 'Working from right to left, divide the fifth whole number by the fourth fraction' -- WHAT??? They got nothing from me on that.

Note 3: I also like pickled eggs. Have no plans to eat fried mars bar, though, as that is just a bit too much.


At Thursday, July 13, 2006 3:10:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pork Scratchings, now that is a snack!
Yummy, also has a warning on the package that it can damage teeth!

At Friday, July 14, 2006 10:12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry Amrie-pickled eggs are thoroughly disgusting. The fried mars bar sounds slightly less vile...
Love and miss!
Laura D


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