Pronunciate, you big lout!
Oh dear Lord.
There seems to be a linguistic evolution occurring in the first-year uni student generation or else something ridiculous was announced by the OED whilst I was out of the country (one cannot, however, do free searches on this site --- grrrr... Shockingly, my immediate plans for myself do not include paying £195+VAT for an online subscription anytime in whatever future there may be. Good Lord Almighty.). This horrendous word has appeared several times now in the exams I am marking. Apparently (no thanks to the OEDOnline), this is an actual word and, although quite rare (and perhaps not worthy of the absol. outraged swivet I have gotten myself into today), but I would like to put forth my protestation that this is a non-word (besides the fact that it just sounds stupid) and should not be revived. And this is not just because of my American spelling history; it should vex us all.
Topic (the legality or illegality of this utterly inane combination of enunciate and pronounce) is now open for discussion on this forum. Call me, we'll have coffee. We'll talk. Oyyy, vay.
Renewed obsessive blogging on my various insights into air travel, the wonders of efficiency in the L.A. British Embassy, feline acrobatics, and synchronised chimney-sweeping will recommence once these travesties of intellectual sensibility are marked...
To leave you, my indulgently patient readers, we submit this sentence for your analysis:
'The words may have preceded the action, as a consequence.'
oh good lord... it's like when people say, "Stop pressurizing me!" (Although, that's probably "pressurise and not "pressurize") or "He was being orientated today."
Pressuring! Oriented!
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coffee you say, let's make sure it is the fabulous Monsooned Malabar!
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