Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Monday, September 26, 2005

Nellie the Elephant

A snippet of this song has just been played on BBC4 again (see Saturday, 24 Sept post)!

So it seems a good idea that we all learn the words (yes, I am easily amused).

To Bombay
A travelling circus came
They brought an intelegent elephant
and Nellie was her name

One dark night she slipt her iron chain,
and of she ran to Hindustan
and was never seen again

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
and said goodbye to the circus
off she road with a trumety trump
trump trump trump

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
and trumbled of to the jungle
of she road with a thrumety trump
trump trump trump

Night by night she danced to the circus band
When Nellie was leading the big parade
she looked so proud and grand

No more tricks for Nellie to perform
They taught her how to take a bow
and she tooked to crowd by storm

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
and said goodbye to the circus
off she road with a trumpety trump
trump trump trump

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
and trumbled off to the jungle
off she road with a thrumety trump
trump trump trump

The head of the herd was calling
far far away they meet one night
in silver light on the road to Mandaley

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
and said goodbye to the circus
off she road with a trumpety trump
trump trump trump

Nellie the elephant packed her trunk
and trumbled off to the jungle
off she road with a thrumety trump
trump trump trump


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