Bonnie Blue in Wales

The aspects of things that are most important for us are hidden because of their simplicity and familiarity. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951)

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Last Post

This is the last post from your correspondent Bonnie Blue here in Cardiff.

But I would never, ever, evvvvah leave my readers aimlessly looking for a focus for their attention! The new blog will be located at:

and should begin being posted sometime next week for your amusement and viewing pleasure.

My final word before loading the car (as I am not entirely confident in my ability to cram everything in in a reasonable manner by myself, so that all important items are hidden in the trunk and will not inspire thievery by anyone who might happen to chance upon the car whilst it is cleverly parked at Hammersmith tonight, since parking in London is about as plentiful as teeth in a chicken's mouth), will be to inform on a triple killing which occurred here at 139 Glenroy Street at approximately 8.14 pm last evening. It is crucial that I make it clear that this had nothing to do with me directly. I was not consulted before three little friends were dumped into Carrot and Jasper's habitat.

We had carefully selected the largest snails from the vegetation display at Pets at Home on Newport Road... They had such a bright future ahead of them as little algae eliminators. And there was so much algae to be eliminated... Within about 4.3 seconds of being put in the water, two snails had disappeared into the gullets of each of the ridiculously porky fish. They then proceeded to flap their mouths open and shut for quite a while -- completing the morbid process of snail-with-shell mastication.

B was in charge of supervising for a bit and when Jasper (the hog) went for the final snail, who we had thought was the biggest and would therefore not be in danger, he alerted me and I chased Jasper with the net and made him spit the snail out. Then we made a 'Green Zone' for the snail, the net placed at an angle around our already industrious snail. The Green Zone was moved as the snail moved and then Jasper swam smack into the net, tilting the Green Zone over (he is an eediot). Although we did our best to manage the Green Zone, the Last Snail was nowhere to be seen by 20.46 (or thereabouts). Shrieking at Jasper did not help.

Today, Jasper is a bit slow, this being due to either extreme gastric distress from too many snail shell pieces or to the addition of oddly coloured rocks into the tank. Jasper has grown and I think he has gotten a little big for his scales and thinks he is a pirana or something.


Other than the triple snailicide, this week has been manic marking 73 Intro to Language exams. I have gleaned some more new words... and some gymnastic ability in logic. Also dominating my time has been attempting to find a place to live in Norwich online (there may be hope) and organising my packing (thank the good Lord, there is not weight limit other than what my little arms can wrench into a Beemer boot).

Tonight, E and I drive to London, where he has a meeting tomorrow. After returning to the cleverly (and hopefully unmolested) car, we will continue the drive to Norwich, which E finally noticed after looking at a map is in the middle of nowhere ('Do you know where Norwich is and how hard it is to get there?'). If luck is with us, we will arrive before dark, have time to look at the two possibilities and I will pick one and move my things inside at the very moment. This will prevent my having to do any hauling and/or lifting at a later time (and by myself. E is brave and strong removal man, plus he cooks.) and my being able to relax a little bit before being at work at 9am on Monday! Fingers, toes, legs, eyes, bridges all need to be crossed, please!

Ooh! Time to go!

See you on the new blog. TTFN.

OOooooHhhhh, AND -- they have given me an MA! Hoorah! Dissertation was marked 65 and final mark was 64, comfortably above PhD standard (according to Dawny. She's the smart one!). So yay!


At Thursday, February 01, 2007 9:08:00 PM, Blogger DawnyLiz said...

Good luck with the move to Norwich and for the new job on Monday - I am sure "Wirish Removals" will handle you with the care and attention you deserve!
BIG hugs
Dawny xx
(the not that smart one as I only got 61.5 overall!)

At Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:44:00 PM, Blogger Kate said...

Wishing you a safe Trip!

At Friday, February 02, 2007 10:05:00 AM, Blogger Matthew said...

Good luck Norwich, you'll need it.
Amrie remeber to have your extra toes sewn on before entering the city boundries, otherwise they'll spot you as an outsider.

Plus keep away from large straw figures when asked to climb inside.



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