Legionnaire's Disease
Oh dear me. Something else to be hypochondriacal (sp?) about.
A sentence has been passed down today against an architect for causing seven deaths due to Legionnaire's Disease from an inadequately cleaned air duct system -- she was cleared of manslaughter but not of violating the Health and Safety at Work Act. Pursuant to this, Maurizio and Eamonn have now informed me that I must not drink from the hot water tap or from duo hot-and-cold taps. This is apparently the reason for having separate taps, although I question that Legionnaire's is the reason for not drinking hot water. Oh dear, dear, dear. My tummy is starting to hurt from thinking about it.
Thursday: Our team (minus two reasons for high hopes, since James and Claire had to cancel) did NOT come in last! And the MENSA team did not come in first, either. The world felt slightly out of balance, but we all recovered. Additionally, due to my stubborness, Biblical consultation was vehemently called for in the pub (and another team shared my view, so I wasn't just being contrary and pedantic) -- who would have thunk it?
The question in question was regarding who wanted Samson's hair cut... of course it wasn't Delilah. She was bribed to do it, but it wasn't her idea. And singing the song does not make that the correct answer. After sending loyal person across the street for a Bible, it was decided after approx. 30 minutes and various personal readings and interpretive activity that this was indeed true (but we still didn't get a point out of it as we only put 'king...' and it was, in fact, the five Philistine kings. Just in case anyone ever needs to know that in future.). The Quiz Master waving a Bible around in the Mackintosh was rather surreal and slightly amusing.
Saturday: Right... So, who would think that friends of mine from Little Rock, Arkansas (Justin's parents) would be accompanied on a visit to Cardiff by relatives from Jacksonville, Florida, who would be extremely close friends (for 40+ years!) with Irish second-cousin family of a Welshman, who just happened to be the person I invited to dinner on group outing? Furthermore, these people have several times met said Welsh person's Irish aunt, who is a nun in London and who I met two weeks ago. Twilight Zone? Yes. Yes, I think so.
Scrabble scores are improving but am VERY annoyed by being beaten by >200 points. Have lost five games in four days (last night's spread was only 37, thank the good Lord). I mean, WHO scores over 400 points in Scrabble??? Wierd people who are too smart for their own good; that's who. :)
The Hobbit Hole is disbanding :(
Hiroko has taken her dissertation to the binder's shop today! This is starting downhill slide into sadness, since she is leaving in two weeks to return to Japan. Her room is depressingly packed into boxes which are to be collected for shipping home tomorrow. Change alarms me.
The rest of us will then have to move by end of August, so that is another reason for butterfly tummy besides Legionnaire's and water pipes, although hope to have place to camp until figure out plan for self and remainder of life (haha).
And our question of the day is:
How is a resolution from the UN going to even approach success in bringing about a ceasefire on both sides if one of the sides is a terrorist organisation? hmmm???